Monday, 14 May 2012

color palette

for my engagement, i had choose my own theme color for my engagement attire... before his sailing, we had discussed and we had choose navy blue mix with pink color for my engagement, but after i went to jakel to buy my fabric, i had been advised by the sales advisor to choose the lighter color as the engagement will be made on the afternoon... so, i agreed as my lace fabric color suit with it perfectly... so, i finalized that my theme color will be dusty blue mix with copper rose... yeah!! i like the color very much... hope, my bf okey with it...

dusty blue



for our hantaran, we decide to do 9 from him to me and 11 from me to him... basically our engagement hantaran is just a simple hantaran and most of it will be food such as cake, fruit and so on... before his sailing, he had remind me on his hataran which i had to list out all the hantaran and give it to his mom 2 week before puasa so that his mom can prepare it earlier because of his mom will be busy on her business during puasa time... ok, let start list it now... 

1. Tepak Sirih
2. Sejadah & Kain Pelikat
3. Quran
4. Towel
5. Kemeja or Baju Melayu (he request)
6. Fruit
7. Chocolate
8. Cake
9. Macaroon
10. Cupcake
11. Cheese tart

1. Engagement ring
2. Tepak Sirih
3. Kain pasang (he request)
4. Telekung & Sejadah
5. Quran
6. Towel
7. Cupcake
8. Fruit
9. Chocolate

for this moment, this is all the hataran that we had discussed... any other changers i'll update later...

i'm getting engaged

ok... first of all... i create this blog just to update myself on my progression of my engagement and weeding day soon... i'm a seafarer's fiance to be and all the preparation for both side I've to prepare by myself.... phiwwww.... the engagement date had been set on 21st of August 2012 which is fall on the third days of Raya... maybe it's to early to make the preparation but for me i have to start it now because i have to think on all the preparations by myself starting from the engagement attire, pelamin and all the hantaran for both side and it's not including other things that i did not mention here... moreover i'm still a student and my boyfriend is not here to accompany me to do all the preparations because he has his own responsibilities as a seafarer.... okla, i will update later...